Projects and Impact
Rights Violations Associated with Canada's treatment of Vulnerable Persons in Immigration Detention (UPR Joint submission by IHRP, Amnesty International, Justice for Children and Youth, CARL, CCLA, BCCLA, RLO) (2017)
Invisible Citizens: Canadian Children in Immigration Detention (2017)
‘No Life for a Child’: A Roadmap to End Immigration Detention of Children and Family Separation (2016)
"We Have No Rights": Arbitrary Imprisonment and Cruel Treatment of Migrants with Mental Health Issues in Canada (2015)
Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading? Canada's Treatment of Federally-Sentenced Women wtih Mental Health Issues (2012)
Presumed Innocent, Behind Bars: The Problem of Lengthy Pre-Trial Detention in Uganda (May 2011)
Recent Internships
Sofia Ijaz, Adameer (Occupied Territories) (2011)
Charu Kumar, Connectas (Brazil) 2011
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