IHRP Announces its 2013 Summer Interns

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The IHRP is pleased to announce its 2013 summer interns who will be travelling across the globe to advance the field of human rights - from Zimbabwe to India to The Hague. See the list of interns here.

IHRP Submits Factum in Support of Intervention before Supreme Court

Thursday, December 20, 2012

December 20 - The IHRP, in partnership with the Canadian Centre for International Justice (CCIJ), today filed its factum in support of its intervention before the Supreme Court of Canada in Rachidi Ekanza Ezokola v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration.  The case is scheduled to be heard in Ottawa on January 17, 2013.

Latest IHRP-Plan Canada report calls for action on violence against children

Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Ottawa – A new report published by International Human Rights Program (IHRP) and child-rights organization Plan Canada finds that school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) is a major factor threatening the education of children, especially young girls, in many countries of the world, including Canada. The report, A Girl’s Right to Learn without Fear: Working to End Gender-Based Violence at School is available here: http://plancanada.ca/safeschools. The report was co-authored by Krista Stout (LL.M. '13), who was an IHRP-Plan Canada intern this past summer.

Canada's New Exiles: IHRP Op-Ed on Deportation of Permanent Residents to Somalia

Monday, November 26, 2012
November 26, 2012 - The Ottawa Citizen today published an op-ed by the Chair of the IHRP Advisory Committee, Professor Audrey Macklin, and the IHRP Director, Renu Mandhane. The op-ed considers Canada's decision to deport another permanent resident to Somalia, despite the fact that the man has never stepped foot in that country. In Canada's New Exiles, Professor Macklin and Director Mandhane call attention to a little-known 2011 decision from the United Nations Human Rights Committee that found that such deportations violated the right to life, the right to freedom from cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment, the right to family life, and the right to remain in one's "own country."

IHRP Announces new partnership with Center for International Environmental Law

Monday, November 12, 2012

The IHRP is pleased to announce a new partnership with the Washington D.C.-based Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) to help make sure human rights concerns are not left out of international business law.

IHRP op-ed re: Ashley Smith Inquest published in Toronto Star

Monday, October 29, 2012

Rebecca Sutton (3L), co-author of the IHRP's report on rights abuses against female prisoners, and Renu Mandhane, have co-written an op-ed that ran in the country's largest circulation newspaper today, the Toronto Star.  Read it here.

IHRP granted leave to intervene at Supreme Court in international criminal law case

Friday, October 26, 2012
The IHRP, in partnership with the Canadian Centre for International Justice (CCIJ), was today granted leave to intervene before the Supreme Court of Canada in Rachidi Ekanza Ezokola v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. The case is scheduled to be heard in Ottawa on January 17, 2013, and concerns the proper interpretation of Article 1(F)(a) of the Refugee Convention, as incorporated into Canadian law. Article 1(F)(a) excludes from refugee protection a person for whom there are "serious reasons for considering" that he/she has "committed a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity."

Release of 2012 Intern Edition of Rights Review

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The IHRP Rights Review Editorial Board is tremendously proud to announce the release our first issue of the year: the Intern Edition.  This issue follows the experiences of IHRP summer interns in countries across the globe.  Throughout these internships, IHRP interns engaged in diverse human rights issues ranging from rights to health to international justice mechanisms.  To download your copy of the IHRP Rights Review 2012 Intern Edition, click below:

An Evening with the Head of Human Rights Watch, Ken Roth

Monday, October 22, 2012
On October 17, the University of Toronto Faculty of Law’s International Human Rights Program sponsored a wide-ranging discussion between Ken Roth and Michael Ignatieff on ““Today’s Human Rights Challenges.” Roth is the Executive Director of Human Rights Watch (HRW), an international organization that conducts human rights research and advocacy, while Ignatieff is currently a Professor at the Munk School for Global Affairs. Roth spoke at length about the challenges facing the human rights movement with respect to the uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa. “Toppling a dictator is the easy part,” he said. “The tough part is how you build a rights-respecting democracy after that…Those of us in the human rights movement are used to being anti-state. We stand up against the state. But we also need the state, and if you don’t have a strong state, you have chaos, which is as much the enemy of rights as an authoritarian or dictatorial environment.”